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Wanna use your website to make more sales but don’t know how to start? Join Jill for her newest webinar, “The Top 5 Website Changes That’ll Make You More Money!”
Jill is hosting a free webinar on September 26 to help you tackle your website and turn those visits into sales. Maybe you haven’t built your site yet, but are just looking for actionable tips for when you’re ready. Or you’ve had a website for a while now but don’t understand why it’s not bringing in the millions you’d hoped for. Either way, this webinar is for you!
Is your website clear? When people visit, is it going to make them want to buy what you’re trying to sell them? Or is it a jumbly mess that makes people say absolutely no thank you? If your homepage (or landing page) is a mess, that’s a good place to start. You want to be able to direct people, clearly and concisely, to where you want them to go. The more user-friendly your site is, the more sales you will get.
A lot of folks believe that their website is just perfect the way it is, but it’s worth taking a good long look at it from the consumer’s perspective to see what could be changed.
Jill’s been building businesses for over a decade. In that time, she’s tried a million trillion quadrillion different things on many, many different websites in order to sell her products and services. While a lot hasn’t worked, plenty has. So to save you some time and a few headaches, she wants to share her top tips with you.
Join her on September 26, 2017 11am CST as she walks you through the top 5 website changes that’ll make you more money, and take notes on the tools you can use to make the process oh-so-easy. RSVP here and watch your business grow.