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It’s not really just about the money, is it? You’re in this entrepreneurship thing for the financial lifestyle too, aren’t you?
One of my favorite memories is being quite pregnant with my first kiddo and eating the most decadent gelato on the streets of a little town in Tuscany. I can remember the exact flavor of that delicious dish. What I wouldn’t give to go back there and enjoy that dessert all over again…but building my business has taken priority and that gelato seems very, very, very far away.
What I realized, though, after enjoying The Founding Moms Community’s latest video course featuring expert Dory Rodriguez — alongside my bowl of Ben and Jerry’s (good, but not the same!) — is that I need to get my financial lifestyle road map in check this year so that this return to Tuscany is possible.
Finally wanna figure out how to fill your financial bucket and kick the year off right?
You’re So Worthy! helps you figure out how to create a framework to finally fill your financial bucket. What’s a financial bucket? I didn’t know either. But our course expert, Dory Rodriguez, sure does. She’s a certified financial planner whose goal is to make your financial planning process less daunting, more individualized, and aimed for exactly where you want your life to go. So even if you’re not sure about where your business will take you in 2017 — especially if you don’t know where your business will take you in 2017 — it might be time to focus on what really matters and what you want out of the whole shebang, anyway.
Don’t miss this course. Signing up for #theFMC and its video courses is easy peasy – do it here. Get access to a bunch of other resources along with financial lifestyle tips for mom entrepreneurs right here. See you on the inside.