“Why Working On Your Phone May Not Improve Business” on MarketMommy.com

“Just how mobile are you during your workday?

You’ve seamlessly moved a lot of your work to your phone through apps. You can check and create notes in Evernote there. You can respond to business emails there.  You can interact on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn using their apps. But I’ve started to realize this isn’t such a good idea for everyone in business.

We have kids to take places. We have mouths to feed. We are women on the go! So you feel obligated to turn your attention away from your home office and onto your mobile device. Big brands have been investing more and more into making our lives easier on the go. There’s an app for that, right? There’s an app of every kind now available to you to accomplish what you’d normally do at your desk. But at the end of the day, is it improving your work?”

Read more at Market Mommy here.


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