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Welcome to Sweating Through The Insights! I’m beyond thrilled that you’re here.
This brand-spanking new newsletter has been hand-crafted just for you. It’s a smorgasbord of guidance, concerns, and insights for you to take to heart or to take with a grain of salt.
After I recently sold my third business, The Founding Moms, I took time off to regroup and rethink how I wanted to move forward. I’m a former content-creating junkie that put out every variant of messaging imaginable. Social media on alllll the outlets. Videos. TEDx talks. Crowdfunding campaigns. Educational courses. Blog posts. Podcasts. Newsletters. It was a lot.
Now? I’m scaling back the content I create.
I ended production on my podcast, Why Are We Shouting? (but you can continue to enjoy episodes about the entrepreneurial mistakes, blunders, and screwups we make by tuning in here.)
I’ve said sayonara to course creation, to event planning, and to blogging endlessly.
I closed my Twitter account (!) after 15 years (!) and 10,000+ followers (!) because…well, you know why.
In cleaning house, I realized there’s been one simple thread that’s woven itself throughout my work over the years.
I’ve had a front row seat getting to see how people effect change in their lives. In order to make a change, first comes the insight. That insight gifts you the ability to see the world differently than you did before. You can’t go back to the way things were. It’s the growth moment that opens up new possibilities. It’s the thing we seek constantly, the thing that’s always just out of reach.
There are loads of books and videos about insights. Viktor Frankl’s got gorgeous insights to absorb from his Man’s Search for Meaning. Yuval Noah Harari offers brilliant insights galore in his Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind. If you haven’t seen Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED talk, My Stroke of Insight, it’s worth 18 minutes of your time.
With all of these brilliant insights thanks to brilliant thinkers, it’s hard to find anyone that talks about everyday insights. The simple moments that change your life completely. I’m not finding much honesty about them. When an insight hits me, there aren’t any violins playing and I don’t suddenly feel a sense of inner peace as I’m bathed in golden moonlight.
I sweat. I struggle. I squiggle and I squirm. It’s only after the confusion or disappointment or anxiety has passed that I have an insight. Then I can make the change I need to make in order to move forward.
That is what I want for you. Everyday insights. The stuff that we can’t see and we certainly don’t talk about often enough.
I wanna keep you company as you sweat through the insights. I’ll offer you different perspectives on mundane, everyday experiences. I’ll share things that happened to me and I’m confident you’ll relate. I’ll make sure that you’re not alone as you struggle to find meaning in the things that seem meaningless.
What I’m trying to say is: I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE!
See you soon,