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There are two stages that every business owner goes through and they arrive in no particular order.
The defining stage happens over the course of months or years while we figure out how to sell our product or service. We play with words, colors, and images to reflect the who, what, and why of what we want people to buy.
It’s in this stage that we also define who we are as a business leader.
The refining stage happens for a lot longer than we’d like. We tweak. We adjust. We replace. We rewrite. We clarify our messaging and cultivate our self-confidence. We do this through feedback and nonresponses, through creative bursts and mood swings.
It’s in this stage that we also define who we are as a business leader.
You can’t escape either stage. Whatever stage you’re in right now, appreciating the importance of your evolution is…important. Each is very real, takes longer than you’d like, and helps to shape the leader you’re becoming.
Which stage do you find yourself in right now?
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