The Momtrepreneur Update #6

financial successOPPORTUNITIES:

1. You are invited to join our first online meetup, The Sounding Board. Topic: Collecting Payments from Customers (Without Cringing). We’ll chat live on Thursday, September 16 at 1P CST/2P EST/11A CST. RSVP here. It’s free!

2. Make Mine a Million’s webinar called “Beyond the Ledger: A Real-Life Case Study in Owning Financial Success” is on Wednesday, Sept 22 from 4-5P EST. Register here.

3. Exhibiting/Vendor opportunity: Smart Women Smart Money conferences, now in their 10th year, present a unique opportunity for women to learn about financial topics, network with other women, and showcase their businesses and organizations. The Office of State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias will host a FREE financial literacy conference for women in the Chicago area on Thursday, October 14, 2010. There is no charge to attend, but pre-registration is required. Register online under the Smart Women Smart Money link. Group registrations are encouraged (10 guests per table). If you’d like to exhibit your business, contact Martha Rohlfing at 312-814-1288 or

WATCH: Promoting Your Business with YouTube: Get Started Fast and Cheap. View simple and successful examples of video for business promotion, and learn an easy and inexpensive way that you can make your first video – even if you don’t have a video camera. Meta Brown is a marketer who promotes the use of statistics and data mining. She is the creator of AnalyticsVideo Channel, a YouTube channel devoted to public education on advanced analytics applications. You can watch Meta’s latest video here: “Invest in Analytics: How Netflix Knows What You Like.”

LISTEN: Kelly McCausey’s WAHM Talk Radio

DO: The September Challenge

1. Choose the team you know the least about: Team Twitter or Team Facebook.

2. Post something on your chosen site at least once a day. No self-promotion allowed.

3. Track your progress, ask questions, become a believer and/or learn how to improve right here.

Questions? Suggestions? You know where to find me.


p.s. New Facebook page! Like it?


We have one. Sign up here.