The Buzz on Business Leads to Build Your Biz

No matter what industry you’re in, as a mom entrepreneur, getting leads is a crucial aspect in building your biz and making it successful.

In today’s competitive industry, brick-and-mortar ways of lead generation simply don’t cut it. Digital marketing is the new standard for gaining more business leads. More efficient, effective, and meaningful leads are being generated, so it’s important to become familiar with what the digital marketing gurus are doing to see results.

Through experience and research, I’d love to share some groovy go-to strategies to get businesses more buzz and biz! These strategies aren’t industry-specific but more a one-size-fits-all way to generate leads for any kind of business.

Read on to find out 3 ways to get the buzz on business leads to build your biz! (Say that 10 times fast.)

1. Opt For Opt-Ins!

Opt-ins are a popular and effective tool in the digital marketing world. You probably encounter at least one a day. Simply put, opt-ins are messages that pop up on your screen when you visit websites and they prompt you to ‘Sign Up Now,” “Enter To Win,” or “Get A Free X” in return for your contact information, also known as lead information.
The trick to creating these ‘lead magnets’ is by establishing a lotta opt-in avenues and making them irresistible (like truffles) to your target audience. Most businesses will offer consultations or free trials to entice customers, which is a good start. But you’ll wanna ask yourself what you can give your audience that no one else can. What kind of incentive will be valuable to my target audiences? (Chocolates are a good start.)

There are different types of incentives you can offer up to potential customers: informative incentives and financial incentives. Informative incentives include e-books or ultimate guides. Financial incentives could be a coupon for a discounted or free item (love me some free swag!) or exclusive access to cool deals.

You can also figure out what your audience wants through keyword research on platforms like Moz or SEMrush. Anticipate questions that your audience may be asking, and think what can you offer that will help solve their problem? For example, if you own a restaurant and you see through keyword research that many people are looking for the best happy hour in town, create an opt-in that offers exclusive happy hour deals in return for an email address.

The opt-in allows you to solve their problems, generate biz, and gain a lead that you can now add to your email marketing campaigns. Make the opt-in lead form non-committal and super easy-to-read. Don’t overwhelm your potential customers with your lead form length because it’s possible that conversions can decrease if you’re asking for too much information in return for your incentive. (Asking for TMI can be bad buzz for your biz.) Names and emails are implied, but if you’re looking for more information, be sure it’s intentional. Also ask yourself: is the extra data worth losing the lead?

2. Always Be A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, happens when you show your website visitors two different versions of an opt-in or landing page. In other words, group A is the control group that sees an original version, and group B is the variable group that sees a changed version of your opt-in or landing page. Running these tests helps you to determine what content performs better, allowing you to pivot to the version that generates more conversions.

A/B testing involves many different types of variations. From changing out the entire headline to changing the verbiage on the opt-in button, from ‘create my account’ to ‘create your account,’ any large or subtle difference could mean an increase in conversions. To narrow down what’s working for you, try only changing one variable at a time.
Also, when you’re changing around these variables remember that landing pages perform best when they’re clean, concise, and easy-to-use. The less information users must process, the more chance you’ll have at converting them into a lead.

Go ahead and try it yourself by split testing an opt-in page. Some of you may use Opt-In Monster or have a website that hosts this plugin. I highly suggest using it as you can create many different opt-ins and split test them all on one platform!

When you run these tests for yourself, you may be surprised by the results. Small changes do make a difference.hat’s worked for someone may not necessarily work for you. Landing more leads may be just a couple tweaks away. Do your due diligence and A/B test to have a better chance at landing leads.

3. Remember To Retarget

Have you ever received one of those, “You left something in your cart!” emails? Seen something on Facebook that you just Google searched? Congratulations, you’ve just been remarketed or retargeted!

Retargeting enables you to get back in front of visitors that showed interest in your product or service. This has proven to be one of the most successful ways to generate leads since people who are already familiar with your brand are much more likely to become customers or complete other actions on your site that could add value.

The most popular remarketing tool is Google Ads Remarketing. By implementing a Google Tag on your website, once a user visits your site, Google Ads Remarketing creates display ads that lead right back to your website. The display ads shown as the visitor checks Facebook, watches Youtube, searches Google, checks Gmail, or just goes about their business surfing on the web.

Retargeting’s especially important because though your website may have a lot of visitors, a small percentage of that traffic turns into conversions. This can be for many reasons, but every time that visitors see your ad, they begin to recognize your product or service, making them more likely to return and complete a valuable action.

Now that you know how to gain more business leads, take the time to become comfortable with these strategies and then build your biz in your day-to-day marketing. Be ready for some new clients – we can’t wait to hear the buzz and see what’s in store for you.


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