Quick Everyday Fashion Fixes for Working Moms

makeupGuest Post :: Taking care of a family and pursuing a career often leave working moms with little to no time for themselves; and sometimes looking great is not even a priority anymore. The following tips can help working mothers keep themselves looking their best despite their crazy schedules.

Changing hairstyles 

According to Entrepreneur Mom Now, a good hairstyle mirrors you as who you are, your preferences, and how you manage your time to keep yourself glowing and healthy. Get the best hairstyle that will complement your facial features. A great hairstyle can create a positive first impression.


Fashion experts say that blazers exude a sharp and smart look. You can don a dark M&S blazer over a plain V-neck shirt, and pair it off with black pumps. If you’re aiming to look your best, remember to add something classy that will make you stand out from a crowd, like silver bangles or necklaces.


There are various makeup tutorials on the internet that can guide you. A five to ten-minute makeup tutorial on Youtube can give you a step-by-step demonstration on how you can achieve that smokey-eye effect. If you’re not fan of cosmetics, you can always wear a bright red lipstick which always works with almost any outfit).

High heels 

According to blogger Erin Cardona, “we aren’t talking 4 or 5 inch platforms here (although I’m not opposed), just a comfortable 2-3 inch heel. Again, whether with jeans, walking short or a dress, heels instantly improve your posture, make you look taller and definitely more feminine.” Wearing high-heeled shoes can make a woman feel more confident, so don’t be scared to get a pair and flaunt them proudly.


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