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Wanna find funding, but don’t know where to start?
Check out our new video course #25!
We always make sure to have fun in our Founding Moms Community video courses, but we don’t always have the same experience when it comes to finding funds for our businesses. This course? It’ll help you do just that!
Putting the FUN in Funding features the brilliant Troy Henikoff. Formerly the managing director of Techstars Chicago, he’s currently the co-founder and managing director of MATH Venture Partners, an early-to-mid-stage technology fund. He teaches entrepreneurship at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management and he’s on the board of the Chicagoland Entrepreneurial Center. In short: He knows a few things.
In this course, Troy tells us that we don’t have to throw all our own money into our businesses (a neat idea, certainly, but you might eventually run out?) We apparently don’t have to keep running to friends and family, either.
So, how ARE you supposed to do it?
First, remember that you’re not asking people to give you money.
Uhhh… but isn’t that exactly what we’re doing?
Nope! You’re not a charity. Instead, you’re asking people to INVEST in your business. There are many ways in which to do that. You’ll learn that there are actual levels of investors (besides your uncle) and actual levels of risk (make sure you do your homework!)
Watch Troy and Jill as they walk you through his helpful tools, tips, and tricks for making funding…FUN!
Don’t miss this wildly helpful video course. Signing up for #theFMC and its video courses is easy peasy – do it here. Get access to piles and piles of small business resources, meetups, webinars, member support, and more for mom entrepreneurs right here. See you on the inside!