Momtrepreneurs: Apply Here.

Are you a Mom? Do you have a great idea for a business but don’t know where to start? Want to grow the business you’re already running?

You’ve come to the right place. Let’s get down to business.

Jill Salzman is The Momtrepreneur Maven. Jill started her career as an entrepreneur at the wise old age of 5 when she became CFO (Chief Five-Year Old) of her first lemonade stand. Since then, Jill has started up several of her own companies to much success and praise of buyers, clients and investors alike. After starting up several media companies, including the creation of two magazines and music media company Paperwork Media, Jill launched her biggest professional achievement to date: giving birth to a baby girl. Two months after her daughter was born, Jill started up the successful baby-based business, The Bumble Brand. The Bumble Brand’s success spawned several more successful baby-related ventures.

Throughout this busy and exciting time, Jill couldn’t help but notice that many fellow Moms had brilliant business ideas of their own–they just lacked the time and the help necessary to implement those ideas. With Jill’s honed business skills, she resolved to reach out and begin helping other Mommies realize their full entrepreneurial potential.

Do not hesitate to contact Jill with any questions. The Momtrepreneur Maven is here to help.

The Momtrepreneur


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