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Published in PBS Parents on March 19, 2012
“Got guilt? It’s an epidemic. And we’ve all been there. Rushing out the door after dropping off your preschooler to get to work on time? Check. Late for a meeting because of a sick child? Check. Determining that you want to be a stay- or work-at-home parent and second-guessing yourself when you meet someone who chose to do the opposite of you? Check.
You can fight it. You can feel terrible about yourself. Or, you can take an active role in extinguishing the pain and suffering that comes with parenthood guilt. The Wall Street Journal has reviewed the “dependency dilemma” that exists in American families and Psychology Today has explored the topic of guilt in the context of “serving the cherubs” that are our American children. ABC News has even reported on the “external blame and recrimination that seems to bombard working mothers on a daily basis.” Nonsense, I say.” Read the rest of Jill’s PBS Parents piece here.