How do you measure success?

How do you measure success? By how much money you’re making? By how much time you’re spending? Or by how many people you’ve told that you’re succeeding?

Are any of those true measures of success? This week, I urge you to pick up a new measuring stick to gauge your success in your business.

Chuck the profit stick. 

Who doesn’t like making money? It’s great when your business makes a profit, but even if it doesn’t, that’s okay too – it’s all a part of the learning process.

Just be sure not to compare yourself to others. Constantly examining how much you’re making relative to other entrepreneurs can kill your joy. It’ll also force you to focus on the wrong stuff.

Throw out the time stick. 

Work-life balance? It should never be your goal to achieve balance. (Spoiler alert: there’s no such thing.) Nor should you be working all hours of the day and night to prove that you work a lot and therefore you’re a successful entrepreneur. (Extra spoiler: If you’re not sleeping, you can’t be as successful as you want to be, anyway. Self-care goes a long way!)

Get rid of the swagger stick. 

Sure we all get that hit of dopamine from a good press hit or some great business success, but there’s no need to boast constantly about how well you’re doing online or IRL. Accolades will come and go. If bragging is how you measure success, it’s likely your mood swings will come and go, too.

How can you measure success?

There are so many ways to measure success, but all of them have very little to do with balance sheets and earnings statements. Make your customers happy. Make your employees happy. Feel good about what you’re accomplishing.

How do you measure success? Tell us all about it in the FMC.


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