FMC Member Spotlight: Gretchen Burch

Founding Moms Community member Gretchen Burch has been in business since 2012. She is the founder of GB Fine Art and prepares in-depth, customized appraisals of fine art for insurance, estate planning, charitable donation, and equitable distribution, so clients can make informed decisions about the future of their personal property.

What was the reason that you started your business?

I have a background in the auction market and wanted to continue to assist clients with their artwork but avoid the hustle of the auction world. I also wanted the flexibility of working independently from a large institution.

Was there anyone who discouraged you from starting your own business or continuing to grow it?

I was afraid to tell my father that I quit my job to go out on my own. In the end, he ended up being very supportive and is always excited now to hear about what projects I might be working on.

If you could change one thing about the way mom entrepreneurs are perceived, what would it be?

That if we are not working full-time we are somehow lesser entrepreneurs.

What’s something good that’s happened to you in the past year?

I hit some exciting financial milestones. I also got to tackle a couple of project types I hadn’t done before and learned a lot while getting paid to do it!

Where do you turn for biz inspiration?

I enjoy Jill’s daily newsletter, as sometimes it pushes me to feel better about charging a little more or invest in some other part of my business (like my website) so I make sure I’m reflecting the brand I want to be.

What excites you most about entrepreneurship and where do you see things headed in the future?

I love the flexibility of working for myself and at home. I also enjoy the autonomy of working for myself. I don’t have to report to another colleague who has a different vision, and when the checks roll in, they are rewards for all my hard work.


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