Get More From Your Email

Check out these quick email tips by Helen Horstmann-Allen, COO of Fastmail. She has been in love with email, and empowering people with it, since 1995.

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Headshot of Helen Horstmann-AllenGet More From Your Email

Email is critical to all our businesses, whether it’s talking to vendors, following up on leads, or managing our email marketing. There’s so much more you can do with email, though — create a memorable brand, get work done on the go, or build a workflow to prioritize your time.

I should know — I run Fastmail, the independent email provider that protects your privacy and time. With 11 years running my email business as a mom, here are some tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way.

1. Brand Yourself

There’s nothing like a great email address to make an impression. (I’ve told my husband one of the best things about hyphenating our name was being able to be!)

Beyond using a great domain for your business, the right email address can create a sense of professionalism or size before you even start the conversation. Want to start a project with someone? Email from, and let them know you’re serious.

2. Get Better On-The-Go

The smartphone has been the biggest game changer for running a business with small kids. Whether it’s waiting at school pickup, or 10 extra minutes when they’re playing quietly, grabbing those extra minutes can mean extra time with them.

Tools that let you triage work fast in those spare minutes means more time for focused work. Swiping my way through my Inbox lets me maximize those spare minutes, and using a mail product like Fastmail lets me customize those actions so that I can do things my way.


3. Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize

Labels and rules can help you prioritize your Inbox — and your time. Making sure that you get back to that great opportunity with a “Needs Reply” label. Go back to that thought-provoking message with a “Read Later” label. Label your VIP clients as soon as they come in with automated rules. Or use those great email addresses you created above, so a message sent to gets your attention right away, while a receipt from a vendor gets quietly filed away.

4. Make Room for New Inventory

It’s easy to feel like our digital tools run our days, instead of the other way around. At Fastmail, we’re focused on you. As a paid service, you’re the customer, not the product, so making your life easier is our goal! Get email you can feel good about at

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Helen Horstmann-Allen is COO of Fastmail. As COO, Helen provides overall business strategy and product direction for Fastmail and its suite of products. Before Fastmail, she ran her company, Pobox, an email forwarding service, for 20 years before Fastmail acquired it in 2015. Helen graduated from the Wharton School of Business and currently serves on several nonprofit boards in the Philadelphia area.

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