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No matter where you are in your business journey, it is important to have an authentic and consistent tone of voice. It will help you stand out, reach more people, and make sure all communication from your business is recognizable and memorable. Having a tone of voice for your brand helps you establish trust with potential customers and show that your business is reliable and a someone they want to work with.
Let’s take a look at how to find your voice.
Before finding your own unique voice, do some research into what others in your industry are doing. Pay attention to both the language they use (i.e., their choice of words) as well as their overall style (i.e., short sentences vs long paragraphs). This will give you an idea of what kind of tone is generally accepted in the field you are working in, but don’t be afraid to go against the grain if it feels right for you! Establishing a unique voice can be beneficial to getting the right customers or clients that you want to work with.
When defining the tone of voice for your brand, it’s important to start with yourself—what values do you hold dear? What words would you use to describe yourself? Are there any phrases or turns of phrase that come naturally when talking about yourself or your business? Knowing what resonates with you will help determine how best to communicate who you are as a business owner and which words should be used when talking about your brand. Once these values have been established, it will be easier to write content that reflects them. These can change as your business grows, but have a starting point and review every so often to make sure your voice and brand values still fit with your brand.
Now that you know what kind of tone resonates with you, it’s time to put pen to paper (…or fingers to keyboard). Write content that reflects the values that define who you are as a person and as an entrepreneur—this could be blog posts, website copy, emails, social media posts…you name it! Writing content in this way not only gives potential customers an insight into who they can expect on the other side when they work with you but also makes sure every message sent out by your company remains consistent in its tone. It may take some time to develop this writing style, but the more you do it the easier it will become, and the easier it will be to eventually pass on to others to write for you.
Having a consistent and recognizable tone of voice is essential for any mom entrepreneur looking to stand out from the crowd and build trust among their customers. Do some research into what works in your industry before taking time to define your own personal values so that all communication from your business reflects both who YOU are as an entrepreneur AND what sets YOUR business apart from others in its field. Doing this will ensure that everything written about or sent out by YOUR brand remains true to its core values while still being recognizable wherever it appears!
If you have questions or need help, come join us in the Founding Moms!