Easiest Playdough Ever.

Every momtrepreneur needs to have this tool in her toolbox.  Just made it myself, and it’s a glorious kidistraction for maximum e-mail time.

3 cups flour * 3 T oil * 3 cups water * 1.5 cups salt * 6 tsp cream of tartar 

Dissolve the salt in the water, then pour everything into a large pot.  Stir over medium heat until a ball forms and it starts pulling away from the sides.  Then knead that dough until the texture matches Play-Doh.  I’d recommend splitting up the batch into 4 balls and adding a few drops of food coloring to each.  

Time to make it:  10 minutes.

Time it takes your kids to make this: 273 minutes.  

P.S. Save it in a Ziploc bag, it can last up to four months.


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