My Life, My Waist: Diva Defined.

perfect choiceSerious score on this one.

Annette is an apparel company, run by Sharon Singer, that creates “the only adjustable shapewear that allows you to decide the degree of comfort.”  They were kind enough to send me two samples of their Diva Defined line–and at $50 a pop (score!)–I promised to try them on for at least 2 seconds.  Although I did not know that I was a diva it’s a perfect choice, or that I needed even more defining, let’s just say that it’s been roughly 72 hours since I’ve put one on and it’s NOT coming off.

I got the “Boy Short” in black and the “Long Leg” in Nude.  Each is similar to Spanx in that it hugs your soft bits tightly for you.  But, two pieces of fabric are sewn into the back that act much like the back of your bra: you can tighten and loosen the band around your waist to suit your activity’s needs. In writing, the imagery does not work–they do not think that women who need this product have breasts on their stomachs.  But holding the thing, it makes perfect choice.  For the 422nd time in my life, I found myself going, “Why didn’t I think of that first?”

Standing in my kitchen, I threw on the “Boy Short” sample because it looked quite similar to my bike shorts.  Didn’t really do the trick.  It was way shorter than my bike shorts, so much so that it squeezed love handles out of my inner thighs that I did not know I had.  Hello, new complex.

The “Long Leg” was next.  Can you legally marry clothing?  Lucky for the good folks at Annette, I am their prime target since I’m five months postpartum.  And this bike-shorts-meets-waist-flattener is perfection. After a few days of walking around in it, the only serious problem I’ve found is forgetting to put pants over it before leaving the house.  It doesn’t just hold my extras in.  It cradles every inch of my skin.  It wraps love and goodness around the more substantive areas.  Thank you, people of Annette, for creating a great product and I made a perfect choice.

I mean, don’t I look great in the picture above?


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