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A recent, much-anticipated appearance in Oprah Magazine’s Holiday Gift Guide (!!!) will give you a window into the up-and-up success that Two Blue Peas has had since its inception. Sarah’s frank comments about the ups and downs of running a momtrepreneurial business are, of course, a sigh of relief….since of course we all have those. Don’t forget to check out their unique baby gift, adorable website, too.
What business did you start up?
My best friend, Helen Huckaba, and I started an online baby boutique offering clothing, accessories, and gear for little ones up to 24 months perfect for unique baby gift. We were two peas in a pod with a knack for hunting down the most unique baby gift, and so Two Blue Peas was born.
What motivated you to do it?
Helen was pregnant with her first little pea, I was queen of giving the perfect unique baby gift, and we were both simply looking for a way to leave our corporate jobs and hang out (and of course work tirelessly!) together all day.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
My husband and I are still hopeful, and Helen has two precious little girls – 9 months and 3 years. Working out of Helen’s home, I definitely feel like a second mom to them at times. Although I do love my “favorite Aunt Boo Boo” status.
How long have you been running your business?
We made the leap from our previous jobs nearly three years ago and launched Two Blue Peas in March of 2007.
How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?
Business started with a small bang thanks to our closest family and friends, and then slowed down a tad until we really found our marketing groove. I’m happy to report that we turned a small profit in our second year, and we’ve been growing exponentially ever since. Our repeat customer base is also a huge marker of success for us. Once customers started coming back again and again, we considered our website and unique baby gift service a success.
How did your family react to you starting your own business?
Both of our husbands were more than supportive during the start-up process. They urged us on when we were scared and pitched in when we were overwhelmed. They were fully on board with our ultimate goal of staying home to raise the kiddos while working together on something that challenges and excites us. Starting your own business is tough enough, and I can’t imagine enduring it without the full support of your spouse.
Easiest part of your job?
Customer service. We love working closely with customers who call in asking for advice on what to buy their friend or sister for her baby shower.
Hardest part of your job?
Walking away. It is very hard to be so invested in something and force yourself to walk away from it to take a vacation every now and then.
What skill would you most like to improve?
Thicker skin and a more hardball attitude. I wish we were better able to negotiate deals with our vendors. There are many expenses associated with an inventory-based business, and passing some of those costs along to the customer can be really tough in these days of comparison shopping.
What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
I wish someone had told us that failure is not necessarily all negative, and not to beat ourselves up over it. Had we not made some of our mistakes and wrong turns, we would not have learned and evolved from them. Now we know to take missteps in stride by turning them into opportunities for growth and improvement.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Our proudest moment to date was landing ourselves in the Oprah Magazine 2009 Holiday Gift Guide. The sheer satisfaction of seeing our name on that beautiful glossy page was amazing…and the sales impact was not too shabby either. It takes lots of hard work, creative spinning, and persistence to crack the pages of the famous book, but we did it! And yes, the “Oprah Effect” really does exist.
Favorite part of a typical day?
We still love waking up to an in-box full of orders and seeing what customers have picked out. Did our “delicious pea picks” (recommended items) make it into any shopping bags? Are any of our latest additions making a splash yet?
A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…
Childhood ambition….to be the next Joan Lunden.
Fondest memory….our midnight champagne toast the night Two Blue Peas officially launched.
Indulgence….anything from the bakery next door, but specifically their “brookie”, a brownie/cookie hybrid.
Last purchase…..knocked out all of my Christmas shopping in one day – online of course!
Favorite magazine…..still pouting from the loss of Domino.
Inspiration… amazing family.
My life…..gets better and better each day thanks to my successful business, loving husband, and a true appreciation for the beautiful world we live in.