Crib Sheet #63: Family Line Studios’ Susan Soble.

good business cents

Are you moved by your work?  Susan is, and understandably so. She started Family Line Studios to capture video versions of family history because her storytelling sense made good business cents.  Be moved by her work in the video, below, and read on to find out how this mom entrepreneur gets down to business.

What business did you start up?

Family Line Studios, LLC, a production company, captures the life story of a parent or grandparent in a family documentary.  By weaving a filmed interview with family photos, documents and maps, stories are brought to life and  family history,wisdom and values are preserved for future generations.

What motivated you to do it?

A passion for helping people preserve their family history beyond names and dates and words on a page.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

Two. My son is 18 and eager to start collegiate life.  My daughter is 15 and equally as eager for her brother to start collegiate life.

How long have you been running your business?

Four years.

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

They were a bit incredulous but supportive.

Easiest part of your job?

Pushing the ‘Burn’ button at the end of the editing process.

Hardest part of your job?

Concluding each project after putting so much time and energy into it.

What skill would you most like to improve?

Sales.  I didn’t realize it was such a critical part of a good business.

What tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

Listen and learn from the ‘experts’ but trust your instincts.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Knowing that all my hard work allows me to produce something that has tremendous meaning and value to a family.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

Google Analytics

Favorite part of a typical day?

Shutting down the computer for the night in order to spend time with my kids.

And a few more questions, considering that American Express should be featuring more mom entrepreneurs

Childhood ambition? To sail around the world.

Time of day you get the most work done? Late morning.

Last purchase? Coffee.

Inspiration? My children, when they overcome their fears.

Least likely to… bothered by the weather.

My life…… always evolving.

Susan Soble & Family Line Studios




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