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Meet Christy Cook, founder of Teach My Toddler. She dreamt big for her little one, and the result is a pretty nifty (and already award winning business)
What business did you start up?
Teach My Toddler is the award winning business all-in-one learning system for toddlers. The toddler tote has 17 teaching tools to help toddlers master the basics; alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors. Each section is fully-coordinated with a total of 5 puzzles, 4 board books, 4 posters and 4 sets of flashcards, all in one handy carrying case. The aim of Teach My Toddler is to give toddlers a head start and to encourage one-on-one time between toddlers and their parents, grandparents and caregivers. The toddler tote is portable, so it is perfect for the cottage, Grandma’s or on the airplane! Teach My Toddler is designed for 18 months+. Just 20 minutes a day with Teach My Toddler and busy parents can make a difference! I’m getting ready to launch my second product, Teach My Baby!
What motivated you to do it?
I was at home with my 18-month old and I wanted our play to be educational. I also wanted him to learn the basics; the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors. I went to 10 stores and spent hundreds of dollars. I knew that I wanted to make it easier for parents and put modern, coordinated teaching tools all in one kit – an off the shelf solution.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
One son, 6, and three step children who are 16, 19 and 22.
How long were/have you been running your award winning business?
2 years.
5. How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful (however you chose to measure success)?
One year to gain momentum for the product and to catch the attention of the big guys like ToysRUs!
How did your family react to you starting your own award winning business?
Very supportive! My husband wants to quit his job and work with me (when we reach that point in the business).
Easiest part of your job?
PR, marketing and maintaining my passion & drive.
Hardest part of your job?
Financials! It is all a numbers game at the end of the day and I find this tricky but I’m getting better at it!
What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
How much time & money is needed to run a new business successfully. You don’t really know until you are knee deep in it!
Any people or computer programs or other materials that you recommend for fellow momtrepreneurs to use/buy for their companies?
Quickbooks for accounting! Google for EVERYTHING else!
Anything else I should have asked you that you should answer?
Three things that I think make a successful entrepreneur: analytical thinking, creativity and being able to implement. Everyone can have an idea but the real battle is implementing that idea successfully!
A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…
Childhood ambition….teacher.
Fondest memory….holding my son for the first time.
Last purchase…
Favorite magazine…..Parents.
Inspiration… be bought out after 5-7 years but one of the biggies.
My Life…is nothing like a box of chocolates!