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The success Amy had a mere one month after launching her site is unprecedented in this day and age of The Billion Blogs. And Amy’s candor about her strengths (writing) and weaknesses (monetizing that strength) are not only refreshing but serve as a reminder that we’re not alone in trying to figure out how to carve up a career out of our talents. (Perhaps I should really get back to cigar-box juggling myself.)
What business did you start up?
Frugal Mama, a blog about saving money and making life better.
What motivated you to do it?
My love of writing, and the urge to do something more practical with that love.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
Three (8, 6 and 2) with one on the way.
How long have you been running your business?
Seven months.
How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?
Things happened kind of quickly. Only a month after launching the blog, I was asked by a larger website (Buttoned Up) to be their savings expert. At six months, Technorati ranked Frugal Mama in the Top 100 Family Blogs, and I was approached by a literary agent about writing a book. I still haven’t made a dime from the site, but that’s also because I haven’t tried yet. I think right now it’s more important to build a reputation.
How did your family react to you starting your own business?
Very positively. My husband is glad I have a satisfying pursuit that might lead to some cash one day, and my kids are proud of me. They especially like seeing my pigs logo on the computer.
Perhaps most importantly, I am happier, which has a trickle-down effect on the whole household.
Easiest part of your job?
Hardest part of your job?
Making money.
What skill would you most like to improve?
Entrepreneurial skills! I just don’t have the business instinct in me. In a perfect world, I’d just give everything away.
What tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
I still don’t know anything, but I think that if you pursue what you really love, and put a lot of gusto into it, success will find you.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Starting my blog. While I’ve founded and run small community groups, this was the first enterprise I made from scratch exactly the way I wanted it.
Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?
Twitter and Facebook are essential for getting the word out in the blogging world. For tips and advice, I highly recommend Problogger and Copyblogger.
Favorite part of a typical day?
Reading in bed at the end of the day.
And a few more questions, considering that American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…
Childhood ambition? To be famous.
Time of day you get the most work done? Morning, if my toddler is occupied.
Last purchase? Sand timers. (My kids want to know how long to brush their teeth!)
Favorite book or magazine? Madame Bovary. Real Simple.
Inspiration? Really energetic people creating really high-quality things.
Least likely to…..know what’s on TV.
My life… rich: Husband, children, and a big project with endless possibilities.