Crib Sheet #47: Nature’s Gems’ Wendy de Penasse.

gemstone jewelryI’ve heard of models and actors climbing to fame from “being spotted,” but I’ve never heard of a momtrepreneur essentially starting her gemstone jewelry business from ‘being discovered.’  Check out why Wendy’s clever lunchtime self-promotion can be a very, very good thing.

What business did you start up?

I created a unique line of handcrafted gemstone jewelry made from Brazilian gemstones and sterling silver called Nature’s Gems.

What motivated you to do it?

Two things motivated me to start Nature’s Gems; first, I was driven to find a way to fulfill my creative needs and second, I fell in love with the local Brazilian gemstone jewelry found in Rio de Janeiro.

My husband, Stephan, was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro and his family still lives there. When visiting, I would bring back this beautiful, locally made gemstone jewelry as gifts for family and friends.   The jewelry was so well received that at first I thought of importing the actual jewelry, but that wouldn’t give me the creative outlet for which I was looking.  So I decided to import these incredible gemstones instead and create my own designs here in the U.S.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have two boys – Alex is 12 and Christian is 10.

How long have you been running your business?

I bought my first loose stones in February 2006, developed and made a number of designs and officially launched Nature’s Gems in March of 2007.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?

Even before I officially launched Nature’s Gems I had family and friends that purchased my gemstone jewelry.  But my first real break came one day in September 2007.  I was having lunch at an outdoor restaurant in my hometown with my sister and my best friend.  All three of us were wearing my jewelry and while we were eating, the owner of an upscale boutique, next door to the restaurant came over, introduced herself and asked about the jewelry.  For me, that was the first real measure of success – to have a stranger approach me and ask about my jewelry. This boutique became my first wholesale account!

How did your family react to you starting your own gemstone jewelry business?

My family has been extremely supportive and encouraging. The boys were younger, 10 and 8 at the time.  They thought this ‘jewelry stuff’ was cool, but were a bit unfazed. My husband has been awesome. Stephan has not only been my biggest fan but also a vital part of Nature’s Gems as I rely on him to translate communications with my gemstone dealers in Brazil.

Easiest part of your job?

The easiest part of my job is coming up with the designs and making the jewelry.  I really enjoy the whole creative process.

Hardest part of your job?

The hardest part of the job is managing all of the business stuff details – tracking and reordering supplies, maintaining the website, invoicing… I need a business manager!

What skill would you most like to improve?

My sales skills. I am a little shy when it comes to promoting my product.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Besides raising my sons and being blessed with such a loving family, starting Nature’s Gems is what I am most proud of.  I do not have a business background or formal art training, but I found something I truly love doing and took a risk.

Favorite part of a typical day?

My favorite part of the day is the morning. After the boys are dropped off at school, I go for a walk/hike/snowshoeing with friends. Then it’s back home to get some work done. I love the outdoor exercise and time with friends, but the excitement I feel when I get to work and the sense of accomplishment I receive is truly invigorating.

A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition… be a veterinarian. I have always loved animals; was always saving some little creature in our yard growing up. Once I learned that I’d also have to tend to injured animals and possibly perform surgeries, I changed my mind.

Fondest memory…’s hard to pick just one but visiting Versailles with my husband to celebrate my 40th birthday stands out.

Indulgence…..Finding opportunities to travel with my husband…

Favorite magazine…..Reader’s Digest – it’s full of substance. We always had a subscription to this growing up. I just love the mix of real life stories, recipes, and humor.

Inspiration…..other successful momtrepreneurs – it’s such a balancing act to have your own business, raise children, manage a household that I get encouraged hearing about other momtrepreneurs succeeding.

My Life… busy, exciting, full and still unfolding.


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