Crib Sheet #4: Christine Crowley of Sugabettens Baking

baking businessLike to bake? I like to think I am a world class baker when my chocolate chip cookies come out of the oven not burned. Christine Crowley, seemingly a brownie addict, took it to a whole new level making baking business.

What business did you start up?

With my sister, I started Sugabettens Baking business, a gourmet brownie and cookie bar gift company.

What motivated you to do it?

The desire to produce great products along with the flexibility to work around my children’s schedule were part of the motivation for me. I always wanted to own my own baking business and with my mother’s secret cookie bar recipe I knew we could create delicious and beautiful gifts for our customers.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have 2 children. My daughter is 7 and my son is almost 5.

How long have you been running your Sugabettens Baking  business?

We have been up and running for 1 year.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and or successful?

I just recently started to feel successful because we are getting ready to expand our business from retail to wholesale. I feel like we survived our first year and that we have accomplished something and are growing. There were days when I didn’t think we would make it…lots of growing pains, but we did it.

How did your husband and or family react to you starting your own baking business?

They were all positive from the beginning. My husband understood that there would be times when he would need to do more for my children and that I may not always be there to help out. However, he is such a hands-on Dad that he never looked at it as if he were losing something or not getting what he needed. He simply saw it as a blessing to spend more time with his kids. My mother is really proud that we created a baking business around her secret recipe and anytime we need help or support she’s there for us.

Easiest part of job?

Creating products and making them as delicious as possible.

Hardest part of job?

Not thinking about work all the time.

What, if any, tools or or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

I wish I really understood that there would be really tough days and tough situations and the impact those days can have on your confidence when you’re a “business rookie” but that you will bounce back and learn from those tough situations. There were days when I didn’t think I had it in me to keep going, but you do. I wish I knew I had it in me from the start. I would have had a lot less sleepless nights.

Any people or computer programs or other materials that you recommend for fellow momtrepreneurs to us/buy for their companies?

1. The Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) is a wonderful, free service for people who want to start a business or are currently in business.

2. I love this hosting company, ICDSoft. Their customer service is great and they are easy to work with.

3. I recommend reading the book Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki. If you are thinking of starting a business it’s a must read.

4. From Cosmi Corporation I use their Business Publisher software. For mom’s who are starting business from their homes, it’s a very inexpensive software that they can use for all their publishing needs.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms, in or going into, business?

Uline is a small business owners friend because they send out packaging samples. They will save you time and money especially if you have very specific packaging needs like we did because you will not need to purchase a full order and then return it if you can’t use it. Their customer service is top notch and they get the supplies to you quickly. I love doing business with them.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office. You can use it to search for company names and narrow down of possible names for your product and business. You can quickly determine if the name you are thinking of will infringe upon someone’s trademark. Narrow down your list, then hire an attorney to process your trademark.

If you are starting a business then you must have a website and the key to a successful website is partly due to targeted traffic. You get targeted traffic from keyword research. This free tool will help you with your keyword research.

Childhood ambition…fashion designer.
Fondest memory…The first time I really comforted my daughter and stopped her from crying.
Indulgence…a nap
Last purchase… 2 Victorian plant stands
Favorite magazine… no favorites but I am partial to gardening and home decorating magazines.
Inspiration… my kids
My life… is all about being the best mom I can be and raising good kids who will become great adults.


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