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We spoke with Manisha Kothari, owner of the beautiful online gift boutique She puts a little think behind her offerings, and here’s what she has to say about being a successful momtrepreneur.
What business did you start up?
A unique online gift store – it’s part boutique, part gift guide, part ‘feel good’ funhouse! Unlike other e-stores, is a online gift store in the truest sense. It helps people give personal, thoughtful, meaningful gifts that will create lasting memories while still giving cool, quality products!
What motivated you to do it?
A combined desire to make people happy and to have a creative outlet.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
One – my son will be 15 months old on March 1st.
How long were/have you been running your business? will be 15 months old on March 1st.
How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful (however you chose to measure success)?
About 6-8 months. My biggest marker of success was when I started seeing people who had received Wishwrapped gifts come to buy gifts for others. At that point, I knew we must be doing something right.
How did your husband and/or family react to you starting your own business?
My family has been unconditionally emotionally and financially supportive. I come from a family that has had a family-run business for over 10 generations, so it was an ‘obvious’ choice from their perspective.
Easiest part of your job?
The easiest parts of the job are the ones that I have the most fun with — talking to customers, finding great new gift ideas, creating new concepts and communicating them.
Hardest part of your job?
The hardest part of my job is managing others who don’t share the same passion. Whether it’s the web devleopment team or the company that makes our packaging, if they’re not as committed to perfection and to our vision, it can be very frustrating because we still depend on them to do what we do.
What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
I know it may sound harsh, but you can’t do it all. I was always told that you can, and I often expected too much of myself. I actually have gone from being a great multi-tasker to someone who now cherishes being able to do one thing at a time. So, that’s the best advice I can give others – recognize your limitations, organize the time you have, and commit yourself 100% to one thing at a time.
Any people or computer programs or other materials that you recommend for fellow momtrepreneurs to use/buy for their companies?
Find a mentor or a role model. Even if it’s not someone who’s done exactly what you’re setting out to do, finding someone who will inspire you can be a great motivator when things get sticky – and that will happen sometimes. Good financial software and/or an accountant to keep your finances in order is definitely a worthwhile investment!
Anything else I should have asked you that you should answer?
Where do you want Wishwrap to be in 5 years? — I want Wishwrap to be synonymous with thoughtful online gift-giving. I would love for our playful dandelion icon to be recognizable as a tool for giving, and for Wishwrapping to be a vocabulary word that describes creative, personal packaging that makes every special gift extra-special.
A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs:
Childhood ambition….to own an ice cream parlor and a sticker factory – in the same space.
Fondest memory….waking up this morning.
Indulgence….cupcakes with chocolate frosting.
Last purchase…..diapers — it feels like that’s always my last purchase!
Favorite magazine…..Good – it always renews my sense of optimism.
Inspiration…..almost everything around me!
My Life…I haven’t caught up to it yet.