Crib Sheet #11: ScrapBiz’s Kim Guymon

business supportTime to start scrapbooking! Kim Guymon brings the scrapbook industry(business support) right into your living room. And any momtrepreneur who puts chocolate and peanut butter together is a brilliant businesswoman.

What business did you start up?

In 2002, I started, a business support and networking site aimed at helping other moms set up businesses in the scrapbook industry. We offer business support and information to women who have never owned a business or who want to network with other business owners. I refer to it as a small business incubator. We work largely with home-based businesses but have also added some actual brick and mortar stores recently. I also just started a retail site for photo books and custom photo products called PhotoBooks{etc}. It’s a great fit for what I do since scrapbooking has really moved into the digital age the last few years.

What motivated you to do it?

I realized there was a need. There was nothing in the scrapbook industry between multi-level direct sales and renting a storefront for a bricks and mortar store. There wasn’t an option for an entrepreneurial-minded mom who wanted to have an independent home-based business. I have always tried to find something that didn’t involve multi-level sales because you give up a degree of control. Some are happy to have that type of business support but many women feel like they want to be more in charge of their business operations. My new PhotoBookBiz option at ScrapBiz fits that model, too. It’s an alternative to the direct sales MLM companies out there who are selling the photo books.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have two sons who are 10 and 11.

How long have you been running your business?

I started with a direct sales company in the scrapbook industry in 2001 and started in 2002, so we’re coming up on 7 years this Fall.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?

I felt like we were nearly an overnight success. Many women recognized the uniqueness of our business model and we grew rather quickly our first year without any advertising – it was all word of mouth. Being that my business was largely on-line and out of my home, my overhead is really low. I really define my success by the number of happy business owners in my group and the fact that many of them might set their businesses aside for a while but then will come back and re-join when they are ready to get going again. The fact that they want to be part of our awesome group of business owners is my definition of success!

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

My husband helped me write our business support start-up guide. He has been supportive from the beginning and is still my best business mentor. My kids roll their eyes and say, “Mom’s on the computer at ScrapBiz again…” Of course, they have thoroughly enjoyed the fruits of my labors for the past 7 years.

Easiest part of your job?

The easiest part of my job is being helpful to all the great retailers at our site. I consider them all friends and I love it when we have a trade show get-together. It’s such a positive and supportive group that it’s easy to be there with them. I love to celebrate their successes!

Hardest part of your job?

Balancing the work/life thing. Sometimes I have a hard time walking away from my computer because I love what I do so much!

What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

There are probably too many things to name! I learn and grow every day just like my members do. I’m always saying, “Oh, I wish I had done THAT!” But, you can’t dwell on the what-ifs very long. You’ve got to keep moving forward and trying to make yourself and your business better.

Any people or materials that you recommend for fellow momtrepreneurs to use or buy for their companies?

If you’re an online business, get a good web designer! You can’t have a DIY website from a template anymore and be taken seriously – there are too many other good sites out there for customers to choose from. You need a website with personality and curb appeal that will make people want to stop and look. I also think Momtrepreneurs should read some good business books. I love Seth Godin – he puts business in terms people can understand. I consider ScrapBiz to be a bit of a “purple cow” in the industry since we are one of the very few companies who do what we do. I would also say to get a good accounting program. You can’t wait until the end of the year to do your bookkeeping – it will drive you nuts! And find a business mentor. It’s lonely being in business alone. A group like ScrapBiz or local women-in-business groups will help you stay focused and motivated.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business? – we can really help all sorts of small business owners in the creative industries like scrapbooking, crafts and photography. – a great community of small business owners
Seth Godin’s Blog

A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition….to be a competitive ice skater. That dream ended at 17, though. The Ice Rink closed in my town and the nearest one was an hour away in Canada. So, I stopped skating. I wasn’t that good anyway!
Fondest memory….being with my young family in a run-down vacation cabin on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, during the Fall of 2000. It was the most peaceful, beautiful place in the world and the kids loved it.
Indulgence….chocolate and peanut butter together in large quantities.
Last purchase…..groceries – this morning.
Favorite magazine… magazines – I’m a total foodie who loves to cook.
Inspiration… brother-in-law, Dave, who just passed away from ALS in September. He turned his troubled life around 180 degrees and took on this awful disease with amazing dignity, grace and humor and died fighting.
My Life…..
as blessed as anyone I know. I’m amazed at the trials and triumphs that come to us – all to make us better as a family. And, I have the most amazing husband in the world and two kids who are pretty darn good, too!



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