How to Nail Your Newsletter: Course 46 is out!

Did you know that email newsletters are at least two times more effective at promoting your biz than anything you put on social media? In the FMC’s latest course, How to Nail Your Newsletter, Jill walks you through exactly how she creates her daily newsletter for The Founding Moms, and gives you tips and tricks for writing your own.

What newsletter platform are you using?

From Mailchimp to our personal favorite Mad Mimi, there are a ton of newsletter platforms to choose from. Which one works for your biz? Don’t be afraid to experiment!

What’s your tone?

Just because you subscribe to a newsletter and like how they’re doing it doesn’t mean you should copy exactly what they’re doing. Anyone who’s writing a newsletter needs to think about the tone that they’re going for. Is yours serious? Helpful? Casual?

Remember that your audience wants to connect with your brand through your newsletter, so the tone is important.

What should you write about, anyway?

One of the hardest things about writing a newsletter is to think about what you actually want to put in it. Look at others’ newsletters and see how they’re doing it. What do you – or don’t you – like about theirs? If you respond more to a personal-type email, consider how you can work that into the content of yours.

Or, if you’re selling a product, how can you make it less salesy and more personable so that people will want to buy from you?

It’s all about the value.

Whatever you write, make sure it brings some value to your reader. Otherwise, they may not stick around.

Learn how to nail your newsletter

Find out how to nail your newsletter to bring in more sales and develop an audience.

Jill knows that you can do it and she’ll show you how.

Don’t miss this wildly helpful video courseHow to Nail Your Newsletter. And after you’ve watched the video, ask us your questions in the Founding Moms Community!

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