4 Ingredients + No Kneading = Fresh Bread.

I swear, you don’t have to be a baker for this one.  It’s so simple, you can do this between meetings.

3 cups lukewarm water
1.5 packets granulated yeast
1.5 T salt
6.5 cups all-purpose white flour

Add the yeast and salt to the water in a mixing bowl.  Mix in the flour.  No need to knead!  You are welcome to use a food processor if you are as addicted to kitchen gadgets as I am.  

Really, don’t knead.  Return three phone calls instead.  

Cover the bowl with a lid but don’t make it airtight or you’ll be sorry about the ensuing explosion in the kitchen.  Let it rise for 2 hours, up to 5 hours if you have to tend to carpool.  You can refrigerate it overnight “for better results” (i.e. for more e-mailing time).

Sprinkle water on top and then shape it into two loose balls in 30-60 seconds on a cookie sheet.  Add a little flour if too sticky.  Let it sit on the counter for an hour and clean your desk up a bit, will you?

Preheat oven to 450.  Dust the tops with flour and bake for about 30 minutes until the crusts are brown.

It’s delish!  And it fed my family for two days straight.


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