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Trying to do it all? Not feeling very successful?
Feeling the pressure to ‘do it all’ has become such a cliche. Unfortunately, it’s also the hard reality for momtrepreneurs. Not only do we have to keep the kids fed, the pets clean, and the house kept, but we also have to keep the phones answered, the socials networked and the emails checked.
However…if you dare to take a stab at ‘doing it all’ successfully, I’ve collected 3 useful tools to help you accomplish this Herculean feat:
1. Revisit the definition of “all.”
Merriam-Webster defines “all” to be “any whatever.” What does that mean? I have no idea. You don’t have to, either. Go ahead and define “all” however you please. And really try to abide by your new definition.For example, if you can draft two emails and manage to cook even half a meal for your family in the same day, you have most definitely accomplished “any whatever.”
Recommended use: Define “any whatever” in any whatever way that you want. Rinse, repeat.
2. Make a to-do list consisting of 7 items.
Why seven? Google it. (Here). If 48 million results don’t enlighten you, then just accept that seven is a universally acceptable number and a cosmic numerical limit for tasks to fulfill in one day, one week or even one year. If you can get through grief in only 7 steps, why burden yourself with more things to do in one day?
Recommended use: 1. Write out seven things to do today. 2. Do first thing. 3. Prepare dinner. 4. Tell children how much you love them. 5. Pick up and put away that thing you keep stepping on. 6. Go back over list to see what you’ve missed. 7. Pat self on back for doing all other things on list.
3. Launder.
You can skip the figurative and head straight for literally doing it All®. It takes only a few loads to really feel accomplished.
Recommended use: Kick basket of laundry in direction of washing machine. Throw clothes into said machine. Pour the detergent All® over it.