Crib Sheet #30: Peeka’s Aletha Noonan.

It’s not very witty of me to write a plain and simple “WHAT A COOL IDEA!” about Aletha’s business but that’s all that kept ringing in my head during her interview.  And it kicks it up a notch for me that she’s based in my hometown of Chicago.  Kudos, Aletha, for making something our children will surely love…for ages.

What business did you start up?

Peeka Productions Personalized DVDs and books for children.  Each personalized DVD has a matching book. We sell the personalized character books separately, too, at

What motivated you to do it?

I wanted to be able to connect with my child when I was away and I wanted to be involved in the learning process even when I was away. I created educational DVDs starring parents, grandparents and other loved ones as the narrators and storytellers throughout an entertaining & educational story.

I also wanted to create something that featured children of multiple ethnicities. Not everyone looks like the cartoons on TV.  My kids are of mixed race and it motivated me to create customizable books and cartoons so that more children could experience the joy of having a character resemble him or her.  Even in the world of “look like me” toys, there aren’t as many choices for kids who have less common features. It feels great when your child relates to a book or video and believes it is him or her in the story.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

Two girls.  They are 4 and 6.

How long have you been running your business?

Started creating it in late 2006 and launched in late 2007.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you chose to measure success?

Still working on it. We are nearing the end of the second year and by expanding our offerings and services, we are seeing more success. A production studio and six animated stories took a great deal of up-front capital. Things are taking a solid turn toward much success.

We sell the personalized books at to the nation. Our personalized DVDs are primarily offered in Chicago.  And, we are hosting kids parties where they create a music video at

Diversifying has given me the opportunity to increase cash flow during a period of economic challenges. The books are especially a huge hit across the nation. What baby or toddler wouldn’t love seeing herself in a book about her?

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

Always supportive and always believe in me. My husband and family think I can achieve anything! My children are my biggest fans! My studio is in our neighborhood. They think that’s pretty cool.

Easiest part of your job?

Going to work every day.  I love what I do.

Hardest part of your job?

Balancing my time and making time for myself. I’ve found that work has become what I do when I have time for myself. I’m working on getting back into working out and taking some new cooking classes.

What skill would you most like to improve?

My production skills are minimal although I started the company and have a production studio. It helps to understand production when I’m planning a project or video. I have started to produce more work for corporations and small businesses. I’m also working on a pilot show to be submitted to a network. Knowing more about production helps me outline how to get to the outcome I’m seeking.

What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

You need to advertise and have frequency (especially with a a new concept). I would be more critical of where I spend my ad dollars and how I can get in front of my potential customers 7+ times. Marketing and advertising are key. You need to have the money and the knowledge of where to market/advertise and how to get in front of your customers often. I would spend more on SEO in the beginning and less on print media. I would research and be more critical of certain ad vehicles. Advertising strategies are changing and so are consumers’ ways of thinking.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

The Chicago Women’s Business Development Center
Adwords (get familiar with adwords even if you are hiring someone else).
The Small Business Development Center (they can point you in the right direction and has a lot of starter tools)

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Other than the obvious joy of being so proud of my little girls?  In regards to my new business, I have a few customers who have lost a grandparent or loved one and we were able to capture them on video prior to their passing. What a keepsake and what a memory. I wish I could give this gift to my own children. My mother passed away before I was married.

Favorite part of a typical day?

Walking my girls to school (I like picking them up better, actually).

Anything else I should have asked you that you should answer?

Focus and sticktuitiveness go a LONG way.

A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more momtrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition….I’m pretty sure I wanted to be president. I changed my mind.

Fondest memory….I remember my mom making crafts and cinnamon apples with me on the front porch. She made great costumes, too. I miss her every day.

Indulgence….Red wine & chocolate (even better together).

Last purchase…..My morning latte from Starbucks–most days right after I drop of my girls at school and right before I walk to work. I love living and working in the city (Chicago).

Favorite magazine…..Vanity Fair, of course.

Inspiration…..My mother. I am the baby of seven. She really didn’t sweat the small stuff. I think back about how cool and together she could be even in the midst of what could have been chaos.

My Life…..Life is good. I focus on the good and the opportunity in life and it keeps me centered. I am very fortunate to live in a great country with freedom, to have healthy kids and to have a kind and caring husband. Everything else is gravy.


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