What’s In A Name? How To Claim The Best Name For Your Business

Tracking PixelSponsored post :: Heard about the “not com” movement yet?After 30 years of stagnancy, there is an amazing new world of choice in naming business on the Internet. There are now hundreds of new “not-com” choices available today – everything from .COFFEE to .PIZZA to .LIFE, that allow you to create a memorable and meaningful domain name.

naming business, appropriate name, best name

Naming business is an art + science. Much like cooking. So the biz called Name.Kitchen, an online hub that celebrates the art and science of naming business, wants to help you make better choices about your future business name, and do it with great tips & tools & fun.

What’s in a name? It’s so important to choose a perfect name for your brilliant idea. We began as The Momtrepreneur Meetup (can you say that 3 times fast?) and decided to land on The Founding Moms because it was more memorable, easier to say, and described exactly what we do. We’re a community of moms who found companies. Period.51959004

In this new wild and crazy era of not com names, there are so many ways to differentiate your business that we may even have chosen a different one. Say, FoundingMoms.Business? Or, FoundingMoms.Community? There may be more to the URL, but there’s also certainly more to its descriptive quality…and something we want folks to know about what we do. A lot of entrepreneurs have had the frustrating experience of not being able to secure the.com of their choice or having to create a ridiculously long and hyphenated name.  As these “not com” choices are new, the very best names are still available to be registered. Better names are more memorable names. Choosing a great name for your business or naming business project is an important, significant decision, so choose wisely.

not com cloudHead over to their Be Inspired section to see how other brands are using new, innovative ways to name themselves. Driftaway.Coffee? Wyoming.Fish? Fathom.Clothing? (You’ll never guess what any of these businesses do…) Name.Kitchen takes a 360-degree approach to naming business; expect a blend of business, human interest and pop culture. After all, every name has a story. Name.Kitchen, powered by Donuts, provides a kitchen atmosphere around the subject of name creation. It’s especially geared toward entrepreneurs to offer inspiration on cooking up that perfect identity. We can’t recommend enough asking your customer base for feedback about naming business if you already have a Facebook fan page or another social media outlet to tap and crowdsource ideas. But along with that, Name.Kitchen is here to help! Ready to get cooking with Name.Kitchen? Claim your name here.

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Name.Kitchen.


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