Get More Done with Parenting Help from Dr. G

dgWanna get more work done? We all love our kids, but we also know that parenting can be hard. Getting the behavior you want from your child can feel like a battle. So, mom of 4, author, and family MD, Dr. G, wants to help.

Especially for mom entrepreneurs, setting boundaries is key to successfully working from home guilt free. Work-life balance is so important and you can use these clear boundaries to protect your work and your relationships. Help your life reflect your priorities. Dr.G can help with all of this and more!

We’re not the only ones raving. Dr. G is a contributor on the CBS morning show Pittsburgh Today Live, and has shared her doctor-tested, kid-approved advice with the media, seen nationally from NBC, ABC and FOX, to Parents Magazine, Your Teen Magazine to The Wall Street Journal and

Her latest book, Get the Behavior You Want, Without Being the Parent You Hate! was released by Demos Publishing in September 2014.

Want free resources from Dr. G on creating boundaries not only your work but your home, too? Don’t be shy. Head here to check them out.


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