Crib Sheet #19: Mini Me’s Books’ Sheri Allain.

personalized photoSheri Allain took storytime to a whole new level.  With her personalized photo stories, she’s also spawned an entire generation of kids who are stars before they reach the age of 2.

What business did you start up?

While on maternity leave, I authored an award-winning children’s story book. Our e-commerce website is Mini Me’s Books.

We publish the only personalized photo book of its kind: you upload a picture of your child, along with two adults (e.g. parents, grandparents) and we insert your faces onto the main characters of the story. So you become the star of the story – literally!

In less than 10 months, our book has been voted the “Best Million Dollar Idea” on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch , exclusively chosen for a Nicole Richie swag bag & won an iParenting “2008 Greatest Products” award (a division of Disney Family)

What motivated you to do it?

I noticed that my baby loved looking at family photos. I wanted to use our cherished family photos in an exciting way (a traditional photo book was not very imaginative for a young mind, and also too laborious for Mommy to create) — but a colorful story book was the perfect backdrop!

The personalized photo book has proven to be a great way to bond with my baby: she enjoys looking at photos of herself and her family, and it allows us to start reading at an early age. This helps develop early literacy and language skills.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

1 child, Layla, 18 months.

How long have you been running your business?

Since July of 2008.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?

Profitable — still working on that one! Luckily I know how to streeetch a dollar.
However, we have had some great success – both as a book and as a Momtrepreneur – within less than 9 months of launch…the BEST success has been customers – moms, aunts, grandparents – who really LOVE our personalized photo book & say that their child enjoys reading it. What a thrill!!!!

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

My family is supportive, although in different degrees. My immediate family is entrepreneurial; we get ‘it’ –the passion, anxiety, be-your-own-boss drive. My extended family is more conservative, so they value education & a ‘good job’ (playing it safe, less entrepreneurial-minded).

Easiest part of your job?

It feels so natural. It’s like my second baby. I don’t always know what to do, but it feels somewhat instinctive. You quickly learn and adapt as you grow together!

Hardest part of your job?

“Not enough” (time, money).

What, if any, tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

Be VERY fiscally prudent at the beginning (yes, it will take longer than you think). Be open to new ideas and new people. Have faith and don’t give up!

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

Mommy / Momtrepreneur sites — yours included! There are a lot of smart women who are a great resource.
Mommy Millionaire If you want to target Moms, follow what the influencers say is hip.

Anything else I should have asked you that you should answer?

Becoming a new mom and Momtrepreneur has opened my eyes to just how many of us there are out there! And with so many AMAZING products! I appreciate why women are becoming leaders in small business & new start-ups.

A few more questions, just because American Express should be featuring more Momtrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition…. Journalist or work at a trendy magazine.
Fondest memory…. hearing my daughter laugh, such pure joy.
Indulgence…. chocolate (it’s also a daily necessity!).
Last purchase….. 2 jumbo packs of #4 diapers.
Favorite magazine….. too many to name – all of them.
Inspiration….. all Momtrepreneurs that I read about – famous or otherwise.
My Life… is full & fulfilling.


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