The Founding Kit: A Business Startup Kit For Aspiring Entrepreneurs


You spoke. We listened. The Founding Kit has been rearranged, revamped and relaunched!

We’ve reworked our business startup kits for aspiring entrepreneurs and we think you’ll like what you see. Have a great idea but don’t know who to turn to for website development or social media setup? Have a fledgling business that you want to take to the next level but don’t know the right publicist, accountant or lawyer to help? Not sure where to find an accountability partner? We do.

We’ve worked hard and vetted thoroughly to find the most incredible service providers on the planet. (In fact, co-founder Jill Salzman has used every single one of them to build her businesses.) We’ve gotten incredible deals on the first year of services from each of them so that negotiating great rates is one less thing for you to worry about. And if you check out The Founding Kit or the Kit & Caboodle and find that they’re a bit too comprehensive for your needs, you can head to our Custom Kit to pick and choose exactly what suits your needs.

We hope to help aspiring founders over the hurdle of the painful startup phase. We’ve heard the call from thousands of entrepreneurs over the years and we’ve been there one too many times ourselves. See what Forbes, Crain’sDoejo, NBC Chicago, and the Upstart Business Journal have to say about it. Then head over to and check it out for yourself!



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