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Guest Post by Laila McCloud :: Hopefully you’ve started to think about areas you’d like to focus on in 2013. It’s important that you have some vision boards for where you’d like to be on December 31, 2013.
And boy is it easy to get overwhelmed.
I’ve found myself sitting down to write a list that can easily consist of 25 things I’d like to work on. However, I’ve found that I’m most productive when I create a short to-do list with specific action items.
The same goes for your vision board.
I’ve seen many women pull together vision boards by simply cutting up magazines and gluing pictures without giving any real thought to where they want to be. Your vision isn’t in the magazines, you have to set the direction you want your ship to sail.
Before you begin cutting out pictures and words, start with a piece of paper and a pencil (old school, I know!). Start writing out a brief vision statement of where you want to be at the end of the year. I know folks say that a vision statement should be at maximum 25 words — whatever works for you will do — just be concise. After you’ve written your vision statement, begin writing out action items that will help you achieve that goal.
Now that your vision has a focus, you can begin to search for pictures and words that are in alignment.
You can have more than one vision board; you can create vision boards for different areas of your life and place them in a collage picture frame. You can also make them digital by creating a board on Pinterest or creating a collage using PicMonkey and making it wallpaper for your computer. Whatever you do, your vision board needs to be somewhere you can see it daily. If you want to be even more specific, attach due dates to your action items and put them on your board. This will help you check things off your list throughout the year.
Are you going to or have you created a vision board for 2013? What’s on it?