The Fantastic 40: Your Business Mastermind Seminar

professional goals, goal keeperGuest Post by Terez Baskin :: Everything I do is about creating a life for my children that has meaning, teaches them values like having professional goals, and helps them become extraordinary citizens of the world. Lofty right?

Most days I am trying to keep my head above water between trips back and forth to school and bath time with Barbie and robots. Yet, as I take stock of my larger life and professional goals, it’s become apparent that the best I can offer my children is my best self. I am not at my best when I have not taken the time to take care of my personal and professional goals and dreams. I started a business, but mom guilt sets in every time I spend time working on my dreams and not taking them to the park. Or pouring over my laptop later and later at night to make sure I eek out every moment to keep my personal passion flame from going totally out. I often wonder if other women feel like they’re lost in the shuffle. I can’t be the only one worried about my professional goals, my dreams, my passion projects, and my future.

As a thirty-something, full-time employee, part-time dreamer, mother, daughter, friend, blogger, fashionista, entrepreneur, amateur photographer, social media rock star, mentor, coach, and speaker, I always ask myself: When is it our turn to stop putting our professional goals on the shelf?   Did you know only 3% of people set goals? Less than 1% of the 3% actually go after those goals. Wouldn’t you want to be apart of that 1% of goal setters and task finishers? Maybe you’re ready to take the leap but needs a little crew to keep them on track.

I’m forming The Fantastic 40, a mastermind group that’s about goals and accountability. This day-long January seminar is for you if you’re ready to stop daydreaming and want to get serious about what you want. If you want to create a legacy that you can be proud of, this is the time to get started. It’ll be a fantastic day of SMART Goal setting, vision boarding, meditation,  and 39 of your new besties. Register today. We need each other to make this work.

Terez Baskin is a lover of fashion and beauty business. She writes about what is hot, but also believes in helping my community with how to make money using the web and social media. 


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