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Guest Post by Laila McCloud :: Twenty-four hours never seems like enough time to work through our never-ending to-do lists. Now that fall is officially upon us, this is a perfect time to think about implementing changes that will help your productivity. Between preparing meals, finding overdue library books and chaperoning field trips, our days can seem hectic. Yet, we have to make the most of what we have. If you are fortunate enough to get 8 hours of sleep, that leaves you with 16 hours to fill. How do you create a productive day that leaves you feeling productive and fulfilled instead of anxious and exhausted? Treat your time as the precious resource that it is. Here are some tips to help you move from “I’m too busy” to “I value my time”.
1. Create a routine chart. Morning and evenings have become a lot smoother thanks to a routine chart I made for my son a few weeks ago. I laminated a chart complete with pictures and simple text to help my son move through his productive day with ease. It occurred to me that this would work just as well for me. Putting your daily or weekly routine on paper (or digitally) will help eliminate a lot of misspent time. Don’t forget to put it in a prominent place.
2. Stay focused. You sit down to answer a few emails, next thing you know you’ve spent 2 hours on Pinterest. Stay Focusd is a Chrome app that allows you block or limit the amount of time you spend on certain websites. It’s simple to install and will help keep you on track the next time you log on.
3. Set your intentions. I’m not a fan of long to-do lists. I think setting your intention for one to three things that you want to accomplish in a productive day is more manageable and meaningful. If you wake up with the intention of sending a pitch to a corporation you’ve always wanted to partner with, put it out in the atmosphere. Tell your partner or trusted friend and make it happen!
4. Remember your “Why.” No day is the same, but the one thing that should be consistent is the reason why you started your business that’s aiming for a productive day. Remember that reason when you need to push forward. My office space is covered with pictures of my son and inspirational quotes. Each is strategically placed and serves as an energizer.
Have anything you would add to this list? Share them with us!
Laila is the owner of OnlyLaila , a parenting and lifestyle blog. While she loves blogging and tweeting, her most important role is that of Mom to her 5 year old son.