Growing Your Network Without Growing Your Waistline

healthy food choice, food awarenessGuest Post by Jamie Russo :: Run a business? Starting a business? Work in sales?  On average, you’re attending at least two networking events a week. You’re a hardworking, focused entrepreneur who may forget about scheduling in your healthy food choice consumption amid the meetings, interviews and relishing in your successes. We all are culprits, but our work is not the victim here. It’s our bodies.

When the event covers the dinner hour, typical fare includes pizza, beer and the hot dessert trend du jour — cupcakes — donated by the local food truck. You’re hungry so you scarf down two slices, two bottles and a cupcake over the course of the three-hour event. I hate to break it to you, but you consumed approximately 1,300 calories in three hours.

Pizza?  272 per slice. Goose Island Beer? 135 calories. Cupcake? 500 calories easy. So you just consumed over half of your daily 2,200 calorie intake for the day. But wait! Before you go down the self-loathing, no-carb crash diet – have no fear! Here are some manageable solutions you can successfully take on if you are trying to eat healthy food choice, watch calories, and not feel crappy the next day:

1.  Ask for an upgrade. Tell the event organizer that you’re happy to pony up a few extra bucks to purchase healthier food.  They’re managing a budget, so they put bottom line before your “bottom” line.

2.  Widen your food budget. If you’re running the event, up-charge for the healthy food choice and inform the attendees that you are an advocate for smarter solutions to the nation’s health and wellness deficiency. The few that are annoyed by your attempt to healthy-up your food options will still come and hopefully lose the ‘tude at the door.

3.  Eat before you go.  Plan ahead – enter eating in your schedule, find a place and make it a priority.  As we know, the healthy food choice we make now affect us down the line, not immediately.  Pack a lunch or get the cab to swing by a local favorite on your way.

4.  Snack. Keep snack bars in your bag at all times.  Try Think Thin bars or Larabars.  They’re a great balance of protein, fiber and carbs. Eat the bar and then skip the pizza. Go straight for the beer when you get there.

5.  Eat something. Do not simply avoid eating at the event.  You will leave the event at 9 pm and be so hungry that you will go home and inhale the most convenient items you can find to fill your tummy.

What do YOU do to avoid extra calories at networking events?

Jamie owns Enerspace Chicago, a beautiful, collaborative workspace where the inspired and passionate go to do their best work. Enerspace is designed to help its members integrate wellness into their workday.


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