The Senior Dadvisor Tries On A New Role.

We all know why the senior Dadvisor is such a valuable team member for any Momtrepreneur. The errands. The dishes. The moral support. All the little and not so little things that provide the Momtrepreneurs in our life with the support system they need to do what they do.

But what happens when the senior Dadvisor gets infected himself with the entrepreneurial bug? As our better halves have taught us, there’s nothing to do but follow the dream.

It turns out that your very own senior Dadvisor has been bitten. No matter that he has a full-time job already, as well as full-time Daddy duty. The seed of an idea has taken hold of his brain and simply will not let go.
Fortunately, I live with a rather saavy momtrepreneur who has been advising me on how to turn this idea into a reality. What is this idea, you say? For that, dear reader, you will have to stay tuned . . . .

-The Senior Dadvisor


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