My Year Of Tech Transitions.

My, how times have changed.

It dawned on me the other day that there has been a seismic shift in the way we do things.  Specifically, in the way that we use technology.  And for some reason, 2011 turned out to be quite the year of change for this entrepreneur.

I went from:

Microsoft Word –> Pages
Quickbooks –>
Google Chrome –> Firefox –> Google Chrome
Blackberry –> iPhone
Mozy –>
No Words With Friends –> Words With Friends
Tweetdeck –> Tweetdeck + Hootsuite
PayPal –> InfusionSoft
YouTube –>
Books –> e-books
Scanner –> Neato Scanner
Cell Phone –> Skype
Any Free Time At All –>

See?  I wasn’t kidding.  And I don’t regret a single change at all.  Perhaps you’ll find some of my list intriguing and swap out a few things in the new year, too.  It’s so hard to keep up with the speed of new tech releases, but at the same time it’s mighty refreshing to be able to streamline work habits, spruce up branding materials and tighten the budget.  I finally accepted in 2011 that the learning curve will always be with me, so I may as well give in and add a few new tricks while I’m at it.

And now, back to pinning


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