Crib Sheet #65: Less Is More’s Sarah Nelson.

entrepreneur, typical day

Sarah not only craves organization, she cultivates it and gets paid for it, too.  Brilliant reason #429,483 to start your own business.  If only her favorite part of a typical day were mine, too, then I might actually be able to locate my TV’s remote control again.

What business did you start up?

Less is More Professional Organizing Services.

What motivated you to do it?

I have always had a knack for organization, and, after spending 15 years as a modern art curator, was looking for a profession that was a bit more stable. Transforming myself from a scholar into an entrepreneur was also an enticing challenge.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

Jack is 4 and Naomi is almost 2.

How long have you been running your business?

Since March of 2010.

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

My family, especially my parents, are used to me announcing grand plans (“I am moving to Chicago!”…”I am going to write a book!”…”I am now a professional organizer!”) that change the course of my life entirely.

Easiest part of your job?


Hardest part of your job?

Juggling the needs of the kids, the house, the husband, and the business.

What skill would you most like to improve?

I wish I needed less sleep.

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

Favorite part of a typical day?

The feeling of lightness and satisfaction I get when a space is transformed from an overwhelming, cluttered mess into a calm, orderly place.
Also, being greeted by huge hugs from little people when I come home at the end of the day.

And a few more questions, considering that American Express should be featuring more mom entrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition? To be a curator.

Time of day you get the most work done? Morning.

Last purchase? A little black dress by Alice Temperly for Target.

Favorite book or magazine? Real Simple.

Inspiration? All the other mompreneurs out there.

Least likely to…..Go camping.

My life… busy, busy, busy — and I would not have it any other way.


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