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Think you’re busy? This serial entrepreneur is onto her fourth venture and has even brought her daughter into the fold as the Community Manager of her fab site WomenCentric. Check out what keeps Pattie going and watch her YouTube Video, below.
What business did you start up?
WomenCentric, in 2005, after meeting four other talented women at NY, NJ and CT networking forums. It’s been through several evolutions since then and has found it’s true calling this year when I re-launched it as a Global Directory for Women Experts, Authors, Activists and Enthusiasts — and the world’s best personal advertising platform for savvy women, worldwide!
What motivated you to do it?
I started WC as an evolving roster of women experts because I believed that we could learn from one another, give each other support and new leads by banding together under the WC brand.
How many children do you have, and how old are they?
I have three 20-somethings. When I started my first business in 1988 (The Home Place, a cool home furnishings & specialty gift shop) they were babies, so they have grown up living the entrepreneurial life!
How long have you been running your business?
The Home Place stayed in business for 7 years. I started Write-Communications (a marketing/copywriting firm) in 2003. In 2005, I birthed WomenCentric. And in 2009, I launched, a branding and internet marketing firm with another business owner, Sally Heineman of Heineman Design of SC.
How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?
The moment I finally got the nerve to work for myself. When I was able to craft my own destiny instead of others directing my path, I considered myself successful. The Home Place was beginning to a rather circuitous path, with many highs along with a few lows. WomenCentric has been a labor of love and is finally poised to become profitable within the year, once we get our first round of funding.
How did your family react to you starting your own business?
My husband has been nothing but supportive as I’ve embarked on my entrepreneurial and journalist journeys, managing the kids’ doings whenever I had to work long hours or travel. My parents and brother were also always there for me, believing I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to.
Easiest part of your job?
Creating an environment that’s filled with passion and purpose.
Hardest part of your job?
Delegating and asking for help.
What skill would you most like to improve?
My understanding of many new technologies; creating, reading, and understanding necessary accounting statements.
What tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?
I wish I had done more advance homework, so I could have learned about how to write a strong business plan.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
My three kids are the center of my universe, the reason why I started my first company (so I’d be able to spend less time commuting and more time with them.) After that, I’m most proud of my tenacity, because the world has finally evolved to the point where women are no longer fearful about their brand being diluted by being seen in a variety of online spaces.
Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?
Happy to!, of course, because we publish a fab weekly e-zine chock full of advice, event news, tips, and resources for women experts already in the thick of things and want to be. Also, our YouTube Channel since we post informative interviews every week covering a range of business advice with timely expert interviews. has terrific money advice for every woman. And now that I’ve found The Founding Moms, I’d say you need to be on the list!
Favorite part of a typical day?
I have lots of favorite parts of the day…getting a new idea for another facet of the business, meeting and learning from other fabulous, inspiration women experts, amd brainstorming with my awesome daughter Alexandra, who recently joined my team as our Community Development Manager and Video Editor.
And a few more questions, considering that American Express should be featuring more mom entrepreneurs…
Childhood ambition? To be an actress/singer.
Time of day you get the most work done? I’m a Type A Scorpio, so mornings and afternoons are both pretty productive times for me.
Last purchase? A slim snap wallet for when I’m vlogging, with lots of camera equipment to lug around.
Favorite book or magazine? All time fave is Pride & Prejudice. My current fave? Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, CEO of
Inspiration? Other feisty women, a beautiful day, a historic locale, music.
Least likely to…..focus on obstacles.
My life… totally fulfilling – I’m married to my high school sweetheart, my kids are fabulous, my family & friends are the best!