Crib Sheet #69: Brand College Consulting’s Jolyn Brand.

educational consultant

Think it’s hard to parent a teenager?  Try working with them on a regular basis, too.  This brave founding mom started her own educational consultant business to help drive college applicants to the places they want to be.  Inspiring stuff for sure.

What business did you start up?

Brand College Consulting. I’m an educational consultant who helps students get into college. I assist with everything from college search and selection, applications and essays, course schedules and dorm choices.

What motivated you to do it?

I’m a former high school teacher.  When I realized that most teenagers didn’t know anything about the college process and therefore didn’t even attempt to go to college themselves, I decided I could help.

How many children do you have, and how old are they?

I have an 8-year old daughter and 13-year old son. I also have 15- and 17-year old stepsons.

How long have you been running your business?

Six months.

How long did it take you to start becoming profitable and/or successful, however you choose to measure success?

Not profitable yet, but hope to be measuring that this next school year.

How did your family react to you starting your own business?

They were very supportive and encouraging.

Easiest part of your job?

Speaking with the students. Teenagers get a bad rap for being moody and lazy, but I know how to approach them and find out their interests and passions.

Hardest part of your job?

Telling parents and students disappointing news. “Your child probably won’t get into that ‘dream’ school” is hard to hear.

What skill would you most like to improve?


What tools or advice do you wish you knew then that you know now?

Networking skills. I wish I knew how important it was before!

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Michael took the SAT for the first time in spring of junior year. He got in the 98% for the Math section, but his verbal and writing scores weren’t good enough for his selective colleges or scholarships. I designed a personalized tutoring plan for him for the next 6 weeks. We corresponded via emails and faxes in between private tutoring sessions.  He took the SAT again in June and we’re proud to report that his verbal and writing scores went up an amazing 190 points!

Can you recommend 3 essential websites for moms in, or going into, business?

Favorite part of a typical day?

Getting new clients.

And a few more questions, considering that American Express should be featuring more mom entrepreneurs…

Childhood ambition?  Lawyer.

Time of day you get the most work done?  9-11 PM.

Last purchase?  Books on Amazon.

Favorite book or magazine?  Inc Magazine.

Inspiration?  My children.

Least likely to…..forget something.

My life… busy but I love it!


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