Dear CPSC: Fix It. Now.

Today’s the day.

If you have not yet heard about the Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act that passed last August, here’s a summary:  “Starting on February 10, 2009, consumer products intended for children 12 and under cannot have more than 600 parts per million of lead in any accessible part,” although a one year stay will offer limited compliance relief to certain toy manufacturers and importers.”

This overly broad, poorly-written law is affecting thousands upon thousands of momtrepreneurs and their small businesses.  Moms will literally go out of business today; too many of us cannot afford the thousands of dollars that it costs to test the goods we sell.

Check out the Handmade Toy Alliance’s easy-to-follow instructions about what you can do to reach out to your Senators and Congresspersons to have them amend the law.  And by amend, I mean repeal.  Go go go!


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