The Momtrepreneur Update #5


1. Moms in the City is a networking and resource site meant to jumpstart a city mom’s social life.  Stay informed of events and deals while making new mom friends at the same time.  They’re looking for guest bloggers who want to share their city experiences or stories.  Email Krishana at to get your blogging on.

2. DailyCandy’s Start Small, Grow Big contest is up and running.  Please enter your company to win $10,000 smackers.

3. Friday Girl TV is seeking bloggers to be featured 1-2 times per month. They’re looking for writers to contribute on a variety of topics.  Interested?  Send an email to with a picture/headshot and two short writing samples or a link to your blog. Please put the word BLOGGER in the subject line.

4.  Do you have products made by and/or for momtrepreneurs?  Contact me if you want your product listed in our Momtrepreneur Store.

READ:   “Startup companies, the nation’s most promising source of new jobs, are critical to reducing the current 9.5 percent unemployment rate, according to Kauffman Foundation study. Not only are startups responsible for net new job growth in the U.S. economy, but the majority of the employment they generate remains as new firms age, creating a lasting impact on the economy.” (full Kauffman Foundation article)

WATCHLet’s Raise Kids To Be Entrepreneurs (Thanks,  TED Talks)

LISTEN:  Maria Reitan’s radio show Purse Strings on marketing to women.

:  Hire An Intern.

1. Make a list of 3-4 local colleges and high schools in your area.

2. Contact each school’s Career Services (or Career Center) department.  Email specifics of the position — type of work the intern will be doing, what days/hours, requirements for consideration (resume? cover letter? poem?), and contact information.  If you want to pay your interns, do it!  If you’d like to offer college credit, even better.

3. Interview applicants or go straight to hire.

4. Pat self on back for finding the best way to a young, eager-to-learn student who needs a resume builder and offers to work at a *great* price.

Questions?  Suggestions?  You know where to find me.


p.s. New Facebook page!  Like it?


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