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When’s the last time you had an honest conversation about the money you make?
If you’ve continued to charge prices that you set ages ago, or the idea of raising your rates scares you, or what other people in your industry charge…
…then let’s do a little more sharing. Because sharing is caring.
If you’re not sure whether you’re charging what you’re worth, it’s time to listen up.
Interested in talking prices with professionals? Join friend of the pod Sheryl Hickerson’s Females & Finance community here.
Wanna find a community that feels right for you so that talking about dollars makes sense? Search The Hive Index here.
Need a read? Try The Best Business Book In The World* (*According to my Mom) here.
Looking to work with a coach to transform your way of thinking? Look no further.
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Wanna get your Q’s A’d in a future episode?
Wanna sponsor an episode?
Talk to me! Text or call (708) 872-7878 so that we can make your dreams come true.
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