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Ever been conned? Bamboozled? Deceived? Duped? Ripped off?
I don’t mean that time you were taken for your allowance as a 12-year old.
I mean once you became a knowledgeable, experienced businessperson who thought you knew what you were doing.
Calling all professional speakers! There’s a very special scam that someone created just for us and I need you to know about it. Consider yourself warned.
here’s a post about a famous “UK Church Scam”…just like mine!
Forbes even warned us about it in 2012 over here
my speaker site, the one that Colin likely stalked
join The Founding Moms here
need some summer reading? Try The Best Business Book In The World* (*According to my Mom) here
Wanna get your Q’s A’d in a future episode?
Perhaps you wanna sponsor an episode?
Talk to me! Text or call (708) 872-7878 so that we can make your dreams come true.
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