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One of the biggest things that’s overlooked by mom entrepreneurs (and moms in general) is emotional wellness. You spend all your time making sure your family and business have what they need, and oftentimes neglect your own self-care. You as a mom and an entrepreneur can’t pour from an empty cup, so that’s why this May we’re focused on emotional wellness.
Come join us all month long in the Founding Moms community for courses and classes and workshops and discussions dedicated to emotional wellness.
We’ll be discussing things like:
Be sure to RVSP for all the fantastic stuff going on below. And if you’re not a member of The Founding Moms, what are you waiting for? Join Us Today!
Slow Down! with Regina Carey
Reclaim Your Sanity and Figure Out How To Get It (Almost) All Done (P.S.- you don’t have to be a member to join Jill’s lives!)
COLUMBUS, OH with Rita Suzanne
Be Well: Resist Balance & Embrace Harmony with Janet Cobb
To Sit or Stand- Which is Better? with Leslie DeGrande