The Busy Excuse

What’s in this episode:

“I’m busy.” 

It’s the best excuse. You can avoid doing things you don’t wanna do. Get out of meetings, cancel phone calls, skip appointments…

…and by being busy, you can avoid figuring out what’s preventing you from making the progress you wanna make in your business and why you still feel overworked and underpaid. 

This week, let’s slow down. Let’s take a moment and explore what being the opposite of busy is like. You can be successful and happy and fulfilled without being so busy all the time. I mean, how busy are you?

Folks + things mentioned in this episode:

Got Q’s? Jill’s Got A’s.

  • Wanna get your Q’s A’d in a future episode?

  • Perhaps you wanna sponsor an episode?

Talk to me! Text or call (708) 872-7878 so that we can make your dreams come true.

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See you soon,



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