The Results Are In

What’s In This Episode:

There are more mom entrepreneurs out there than most realize. The demographic is unparalleled. It’s not defined by skin color, geography, or household income. It’s made up of women building businesses at the same time that they’re raising families. They’re mom entrepreneurs that have unique needs.

Do we know what they are? We do now, thanks to the results of the 2022 Mom Entrepreneur Survey.

Find out what The Founding Moms and Phonebox Group uncovered in its first-of-its-kind survey of mom entrepreneurs since no one had ever surveyed them before. 

Folks mentioned in this episode

Look! It’s Michelle Calcagni!

Things mentioned in this episode

Wanna get your Q’s A’d in a future episode? Perhaps you wanna sponsor an episode instead? Text or call (708) 872-7878 and leave me a message all about it.

See you soon,



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