The Mentor Moment

When you were growing up, besides your closest family members, do you recall the people who positively influenced your life? From preschool to high school, do you remember who encouraged, guided, and nudged you to reach your goals and achieve your dreams?

Maybe it was a beloved teacher, an enthusiastic librarian, a favorite coach, or member of the clergy. Or perhaps it was a peer, even a competitor or two who followed a similar path and ended up stumbling a few times only to succeed beside you?

Mentoring doesn’t necessarily end in childhood or adolescence, nor should it. Even as busy entrepreneurs try to carve out moments between running their biz, parenting, and managing life, it’s worth the emotional investment to pursue a mentor who’s willing to provide encouragement, guidance, and nudging for you to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Not just in youth, but in adulthood, too, especially when life presents challenges, and you can’t retreat, at least not for long, to your pillow fort or treehouse.

In Why Are We Shouting? podcast episode 43,The Mentor Moment, Jill shares her experience in finding a mentor and what successes she’s found because of her relationship with one. Tune in and have a listen to Jill’s quest in finding a mentor, because no one – even the most energetic and successful entrepreneurs – can build a successful business by herself.


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